WARNING:This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Fights back TPD, CACUQ Stands by You(Joeytech)

Launch Time: 2016-10-12 Views: 3234 Rely: 0 Started by:


Dear customers,


We are happy to tell you that you can download relevant Product Information and Emission Test Report of Joyetech products in the following and Joyetech will finish all of them before Nov.,2016.


You can buy relevant products from Cacuq securely and we will try our best to solve the possible problems related with TPD or FDA deem regulation. Other manufacturers will also work with Cacuq to provide solutions to our all of you.


Thanks for your kind support. We will update immediately if there is any further news.


Best wishes



Please read the guidance first before you start the TPD Notification.


TPD Notification Guidance by Joyetech(Click to download)


Joyetech Products Ready For TPD Submission 1(Click to download)



We have classified the products and you can click the  your suitable serie!


Cubis Atomizer series(Click to download)



Cubis Pro series(Click to download)




Cuboid series




eGo AIO series



eGo series



eGrip II series



eViC series