WARNING:This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

It’s better vape than to smoke

Launch Time: 2016-08-25 Views: 2638 Rely: 0 Started by:



We used to launched a survey and we concluded some reasons why people vape and in the following,we will tell you that you should definitely vape than to smoke.When asked to identify the reasons they choose to use electronic cigarettes:

Two-thirds (62%) said they do so to quit or abstain from smoking cigarettes

38% identified as dual users, vaping e-cigarettes to obtain nicotine when unable to smoke cigarettes

36% said they preferred the flavors and taste over traditional tobacco cigarettes

29% said they did so because e-cigarettes are more socially acceptable than smoking cigarettes


If you are still smoking tobacco cigarettes, its time for a wake up call. We all know that smoking is bad and there are definitely some serious health risks if you choose to light up. Unfortunately, a lot of people just cant seem to quit despite multiple attempts to live tobacco-free. As we can see that ecigs do have many benefits so you know, there are other reasons that the ecigs wholesale may boom in the future.

Smoking has become incredibly expensive and youre likely wasting an awful lot of money on it. Vape pens are a pretty new concept, so theyre an awful lot cheaper. You can find a typical vape pen starter kit for around $30 and buy the liquids for a fairly cheap price too. Anyone who currently smokes cigarettes will know how expensive they are and investing in a vape pen is sure to save you a lot of money quickly.


According to Vapor Town USA, the average cigarette contains over 600 different chemicals, many of which are related to cancer and other illnesses. Vape pens do include some of these chemicals, namely nicotine, but far fewer of them and far fewer of the dangerous chemicals.If you want to survive, you will need to breathe and smoking can definitely make it more difficult. In fact, smoking causes 80% of lung cancer cases. If you are one of the lucky few that manages to escape cancer, that smoke is still doing major damage to your airway. The soft tissue of your lungs will start to harden and turn black. Then you will have a sudden increase in mucous, a chronic rattling cough, and you might develop asthma or even emphysema.




When you feel tempted to light up a cigarette, take a minute to consider what life would be like if you lost your sight. Research shows that smoking can cause vision loss, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.When you switch out your old cigarettes for electronic cigs, you make a huge step towards protecting your future wellness. However, you might notice some immediate health benefits too! One study found that 91% of smokers had significant health improvements after changing to ecigs. In fact, 97% managed to reduce or eliminate chronic coughing just by vaping instead of smoking.


When youre a smoker, you dont tend to realize the smoke around you or the smell youre creating with that smoke. For others around you, it smells truly bad and you smell pretty bad too. With that in mind, vaping pens generate no smell or smoke, so you can happily smoke around others without causing irritation.

