WARNING:This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

To Hell with misleading anti-vaping articles...

Launch Time: 2017-10-11 Views: 1715 Rely: 0 Started by: vincentwang

To Hell with misleading anti-vaping articles...

Many articles with eye-catching titles often border on "scientific findings" or "expert knowledge" to elevate its credit and fabricate non-existent authority, all to better defame vaping; and the more objective and passionless they sound, the more powerful is their weapon of misleading formality and doubt-breeding subtlety.

I'll give you some examples to demonstrate how deceptive certain articles can be regarding their central statements, and how veiled by Science and shielded by Knowledge, certain illogical, ludicrous assertions and suggestions could easily trick ignorant minds and even sway resolved hearts.

I will quote from an article titled "How Vaping Affects Your Teeth". In the first section of the said article, the author invests his heavy-weight conclusion with inappropriate assurance and overconfident confirmation---quote:

"When it first arrived on the scene a few years ago, vaping was touted as a safer and healthier alternative to smoking. But is it, really? From the perspective of your dental health, the answer is clear – and it is “No!”

Dr. Dale Brant of Ingenious Dentistry states simply, “Vaping can cause a lot of dry mouth which, in turn, can lead to tooth decay.”

Okay. Prior to any proof and the slightest streak of evidence, the author has slammed his conclusion down forcefully. This definitely WILL create a mighty first impression upon those who are beginning to investigate into vaping and are not equipped with enough knowledge to resist such conclusive statements.

Let us extend our patience a bit and give more time to examine exactly what has induced the author to reach his confirmation. Quote:

Dr. Brant says, “Vaping can cause the gums to recede because of the nicotine, which causes the blood vessels to restrict and decreases blood flow to the gums. The gums will slowly pull away from the root of the tooth and vaping also can mask signs of periodontal disease."

What can I say? This deliberate confusion of concepts and subversion of logic is terrifying. The exaggerated symptoms cannot be the result of nicotine intake just because of one doctor says so; and even if nicotine is proved to be the culprit, which I doubt is so simple as claimed, how on earth is vaping to be blamed? E-cigarette is not the only thing which contain nicotine, and in fact, some E-juices are free from nicotine. To condemn vaping for the alleged mischief of nicotine in this case is outrageously unreasonable and unfair.

Again, quote:

Some common symptoms of periodontal disease include:

Ongoing bad breath (halitosis)

Red, irritated, or bleeding gums

Tenderness or swelling of gums

Wobbly teeth or loss of teeth

Recession of gum tissue

Now this is another trick of attention transfer. First, the said periodontal disease is not necessarily caused by nicotine, or vaping; second, the listed symptoms are not likely to be experienced all at once. By relating vaping with periodontal disease and its many symptoms, the author has successfully struck a strong though unfounded association between the two, rendering it futile to repudiate and deny the likely false association.

I will not mention the obvious advertising intention which saturates this article to uplift the Dr. who is able to "eliminate the underlying infection" caused by vaping "in one or two visits". When one thing is discredited, we can almost be certain that it is for the purpose of the elevation of another.

There are many other articles which are guilty of similar sins. By hiding under the banner of science and fabricating the appearance of expert, they try to mislead and deceive, libel and slander. But truth stands and speaks for itself.

Tags: Vaping, E-cig