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Vaping and Family: What to do when your families are against your vaping?

Launch Time: 2017-08-31 Views: 1962 Rely: 3 Started by: vincentwang

Vaping and Family: What to do when your families are against your vaping?

Regardless how devoted one might be towards vaping, or how reasonably and instructively he is able to justify the existence and prevalence of E-cigarettes, even his own regular vaping practice; regardless all these, family is as sensitive and controversial an issue as any could be. Families may be uninformed, prejudiced, or simply antagonistic, but however ungrounded their opinions might be, their attitudes matter because they are families and their reactions to vaping seriously and substantially affect one's private life.

Therefore we often observe interesting phenomena such as these: a zealous, hardcore vaper, after exalting indulgences at one of his vaping outings with friends, he came back home in stealth and hid his vaping devices in a small tin box in the further end of his personal drawer; an enthusiastic who had just delivered an eloquent speech on the benefits of vaping and some least-known tricks feigned assent when his 60-year-old aunt reproached and criminalized vaping; a fervent advocate of youth vaping rebuked his teenage son in a most severe manner for having taken up vaping... There might be one thousand similar stories which we don't see on vaping forums where every vaper is a valiant soldier bravely defending his rights, or a devout pastor boldly preaching vaping superiority. The world is no Utopia, and vaping community is not exempted from this grave and unfortunate observation. In this article I will try to name and analyze some of the most common concerns and predicaments that vapers encounter when their vaping practice clashes with their family, and try to offer possible solution or amendments if situation allows.

If your families are explicitly against your vaping because they are ignorant, for example, when they think that you are smoking some kind of hipster crack or doing drugs; or because they are prejudiced, for example, when they think it's the root of all problems---you get sick, it's because of your vape; when in situations like this, you must be very careful in how to approach them. I would suggest you to be gentle but firm. Gentle in your attitudes toward them, which means that you don't get angry or excited, you don't argue (most of the time in vain) or shout (it makes everything worse); It is commendable to remain composed and considerate in all your conversations with opponents. Firm in your expressed attitude towards vaping, which means that you should never compromise on the important issues, such as the nature of vaping and the harmlessness of E-juices; it is not only cowardly but base to denounce what you believe to be true for the purpose of appeasing the displeasure of your persecutors, the mere attempt, not to say the completion of which would render your vaping practice, past or in the future, forever guilty in the eyes of your intolerant judges to whom you have surrendered the right to defend yourself. In gentleness and firmness, I believe there is much opportunity that you may succeed in educating your families if they are uninformed, and in persuading them to acknowledge the truth if they are prejudiced. Even if all such efforts should fail, at least you do not have to hide anymore, or give your assent to what your object to.

If your families are merely implying their displeasure or disapprobation towards your vaping, for example, when they give you cold faces whenever they catch you vaping; or when vaping related topics have become an established though unannounced taboo in the house; or when they consciously create difficulties and obstacles to restrain you from vaping; when in such situations, you must endure the persistant unpleasantness in patience and perseverance, and not cease to endeavor to convert your skeptics. It is often the most distressing when confusion prevails and uncertainty reigns, and many people choose to capitulate when their foes are only baring their teeth. The same exhortation to be gentle and firm remains true, and there might be more freedom in presenting in fullness the benefits of vaping and the senselessness of rejecting it outright since your families are only hinting their displeasure without declaring their hostility and therefore their position is dubious and is in no way irreconcilable.

If your families are neutral, or supportive, then Goddess Luck must have favored you more than many other who suffer the animosity and opponence of their own household and might have to hide and lie, or find themselves in danger of becoming hypocrites in order to avoid incurring the displeasure of their families.

I hope the analysis ,solutions and amendments offered above may be of some help to those who, trapped in irritating confusion and pressed by treacherous tensions, are at a loss to perceive that frankness, gentleness, and firmness are the most simple, yet most powerful weapons in every and all situations.

Tags: Vaping, E-cigarettes