WARNING:This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Who will be the most ideal vaper?

Launch Time: 2017-08-14 Views: 1698 Rely: 0 Started by: vincentwang

Who will be the most ideal vaper?

More than 9 million adults vape regularly in the United States and almost 3 million in Britain. Now consider the countless others across planet earth.

Men vape, and so do women. Impetuous 20 year olds vape, as well as venerable 80 year olds.

The religious and the atheists may well vape through the same E-cigarettes. The innocent and the convicted may share passion for the same flavor.

If one may have access to Professor X's Cerebro which detects vapers instead of mutants---imagine what a sight that might be!

Enough Idle talks. Back on our topic today---of all the people in the world, who will be the most ideal vaper? Who as opposed to the rest of humanity, you would rather see vaping, if there be only one vaper on this planet?

Below are some of the feedbacks I have got. The reasons behind each choice may vary from political to aesthetic. While the right of freedom of speech is practiced and honored, these answers do not design to ridicule, insult, or humiliate anyone whom the readers may feel thus treated---no malice is intended. In order to disclaim any further alleged accusations, all religious figures are to be avoided in this discussion.

a. Donald Trump. It will be amusing to see what the FDA might do when the head of state starting vaping. Plus, Trump has got the dignity---an imperious aristocrat, but an aristocrat nevertheless.

b. George Clooney. I believe everyone understands why I make this choice. White loose shirt with top button undone, blue jeans, not shaved, hair slicked back to the right side, charming eyes and signature smile, and vaping! Just imagine this man shrouded in some dense vapors, what more do you need to be turned on?

c. Brad Pitt. I will admit Brad Pitt looks better with a cigarette, and that Lieutenant Aldo Raine (starred by Brad Pitt in the Inglorious Bastards) with a Mechanic Mod in his hand may be a weird scene to behold, but I still maintain that this guy looks super whatever he may be doing. Who in the right mind will deny a truth as plain as this?

d. Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee vaping!!! Are you kidding? No, I am seriously not kidding. A staunch body with rock-like muscles and lines, a tense and provocative air, eyes like apocalyptic lightning, and Bruce Lee exhaling some contemptuous clouds before finishing his numerous but vanquished enemies...

e. Michael Jordan. They call him Air Jordan. They call him the god of basketball. His legendary feats need not to be repeated here, and his kingly demeanor speaks for itself. An autographed basketball in one hand and a Mechanic Mod in another, Michael Jordan reclining on a majestic crimson couch veiled in opaque clouds...Why in the name of Harry Potter would anyone ever think of challenging him?

f. Michelle Rodriguez. I did not choose Jennifer Lawrence because she sometimes can be a cutie. But Michelle is always tough. Indestructible, impregnable, ruthless, invulnerable...I will have to exhaust such categories of words if I keep the list going on, in order to describe her bearing, at least that of her in the movies. Imagine Michelle Rodriguez with a Cerberus strapped on the back and a Blackjack in one hand, and what could make her more sexy than a demon face patterned Mechanic Mod?

Vapers, my list will end here for the time being, and I'm sure you all have some ideas as to who will be the most ideal vaper. Feel free to comment, reply, discuss, and post your choices! Again, religious figures are to be avoided for the respect of the last pure land of human conscience.

PS: Cacuqecig will be launching a program titled " Who will be the most ideal vaper?" this month, in which you will be able to vote for your vaping heroes.

Stay tuned---and check our official zone for alerts.

Tags: E-cigarettes, Vapers